Today we visited the aquarium in TN. It was completely phenomenal. Katie is sitting there spouting out factoids about the different animals, insects, reptiles, etc.
She looked at me at one point and said: "Look mom! There's a Blue Morpho" when we were in the butterfly garden. She can correctly identify several species of butterflies. I am so thankful that today she had several beautiful butterflies land on her. She was in heaven to see them fluttering their wings on her finger. It was like watching a pixie in a field. (The butterfly garden is just fantastic. If you have never been to the aquarium in Chattanooga it's a must see.)
She also knows the difference between the Gentoo and Macaroni penguins and completely absorbed any other fact that came her way. She even gathered the courage to touch a shark and a sturgeon.
Owen had just as much fun. He of course was not so gentle with the butterflies (that rascally boy. LOL.) so we kept his hands otherwise occupied in that area. He is in love with turtles and sting rays. Right now he's content to watch their movements. I can see him studying and storing it away though. I think one of his biggest fascinations today was the snake! Someone before us had tapped on the exhibit and a rattle snake was following the movements of all the people. Owen was tickled. Of course I was quick to tell him: "They are fun to look at but a No-No to touch".
We went with Scott's family as his dad's father's day present and his mom's birthday present. It went relatively well in the grand scheme of things. Scott's dad did not look all that well to me today. I am hoping he's OK. Then, on the ride home I had to hear again about how his mom is hoping to take Katie out shopping by herself soon. I got to be the bad guy after reiterating the answer as no once again (due to a plethora of reasons. Mostly she is physically incapable of handling Katie if she needed to due to back and leg problems.)
Overall today was a good day and I look forward to taking the kids back to Chattanooga. Owen wants to get to the Curious George exhibit at the children's museum.
Well off to get some lap booking stuff ready. Katie wants some schooling tomorrow.
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