Friday, May 18, 2012

Re-cap of the week!

This week went by super fast! I cannot believe it's Friday already.

This week O finished a map on Reading Eggs and read some more Dick and Jane. He also counted to 100 this week with almost no help from mommy (he still likes to skip 13 and 16)! Yesterday I referenced the state performance standards website, and realized he had a good understanding of all topics presented, and had met each of the benchmarks! My baby is done with Kindy! I will print a certificate for him and hubby and I will present him with a Kindergarten Graduation Bible. We did the same for K when she was his age.

This benchmark crept up on me very quietly. O learns in a very different way than K. He is a sponge and picks up on things just by listening in on her lessons. This is one reason I am combining the two kids with science and history next year. He will listen in no matter what and wants to do all of the projects with her. Makes life simple for me as the mom and teacher. :-)

K finished up through Quiz 5 in Teaching Textbooks 4. This is the goal I had given her as a stopping point for the next 6 weeks. She still has some reading to do in her geography binder. However, she considers that fun as that also entails crafts and cooking. In her eyes school is done. Yipee. She met all the standards for 3rd grade and will progress into 4th (she will be working on spelling at a remedial level though and is OK with that).

Today marks our 180th day of school this year. WOW!! I cannot believe we made it through another year and my kids are doing OK with their learning. Seriously!! I stress beyond all belief about their education. It may sound like fun and games when we talk about schooling in our PJs or playing a game to learn about math. The reality is I stress that my kids are getting a quality education. The end of the year bring trepidation to me. But, when I look at what they have learned... I'm awed. I'm beyond blessed to have the kids I have. They may gripe and groan about school, they may make faces at the "boring" things; but they excel at what they do (both are working a grade level ahead!). I love them with all my might and wouldn't change a thing.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't Reading Eggs great?? Congrats on a great school year. We school year round, so we are still plugging along :)
